We know that losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult and emotional experiences that someone can face. We understand the impact that loss and grief can have on our patients and their families, and would like to offer our sincerest condolences to those that may struggling with bereavement.
We hope the information on this page will help to clarify what happens after someone has died, as well as help you to identify support you can receive.
Deaths that occur at home |
1. Once a person has passed away, the first step is to phone the GP surgery - A doctor will visit to confirm the death and will issue a Medical Certificate of Death (this is necessary to register the death). If the death occurs outside of the GP opening hours, you may need to contact the Out of Hours Service (OOH) who will inform your GP to complete the Medical Certificate of Death on the next working day. If a death is anticipated, such as the person being on end of life care, then usually the District Nurses will visit to confirm the death. |
2. Contact a Funeral Director. For convenience, here is a list of some local funeral directors: |
3. Arrange to collect the Medical Certificate of Death from your GP. |
4. Take the Death Certificate to the Registrar Office (together with the deceased's medical card and Birth Certificate, if available) for the area in which the death took place. Alternatively, you can register by declaration at any convenient Registrar Office. In the latter circumstance, a Death Certificate will be posted to you a few days later. |
5. The Registrar will then normally issue a Green "Death Certificate" for you to give to your funeral director - who will look after funeral arrangements. The Registrar will also issue a white notification certificate to the Department for Work and Pensions. If you are dealing with the deceased's affairs, Certified Copies of the Death Certificate may be needed for which there is a charge. |
Deaths that occur in Hospital |
1. Contact a Funeral Director (see list above) |
2. Arrange to collect the Medical Certificate of Death from the Hospital. |
3. Take the Death Certificate to the Registrar Office (together with the deceased's medical card and Birth Certificate, if available) for the area in which the death took place. Alternatively, you can register by declaration at any convenient Registrar Office. In the latter circumstance, a Death Certificate will be posted to you a few days later. |
4. The Registrar will then normally issue a Green "Death Certificate" for you to give to your funeral director - who will look after funeral arrangements. The Registrar will also issue a white notification certificate to the Department for Work and Pensions. If you are dealing with the deceased's affairs, Certified Copies of the Death Certificate may be needed for which there is a charge. |
Cremation |
In the event of arranging cremation for the deceased, the funeral director will liaise directly with the GP to organise the additional certification that is required. |
Bereavement Support |
Bereavement, grief and loss can cause many different symptoms and they affect people in different ways. We are here to support you if you need help during this difficult time. Please contact the practice to arrange a GP appointment if you are struggling or need support. |
There are also many groups and charities that can offer a lot of help and resources that you may find useful. |
AtaLoss - The UK's signposting website for the bereaved. They can help you find bereavement services and counselling. |
Bereavement Advice Centre - Practical information and advice on the many issues and procedures that you face after the death of someone close. |
Cruse - Cruse is the UK's leading Bereavement charity and they can help you with tailored bereavement support and information. |
Child Bereavement UK - They offer support when a baby or child of any age is dying, or a child is facing bereavement. |
The Compassionate Friends - Provides support to bereaved families after the death of a child. |
The Good Grief Trust - Charity run by the bereaved, helping all those suffering grief in the UK. |
Laughter After Loss - Provide a weekly drop in group that is designed to help bring together like-minded bereaved adults to create connections, encourage open conversation surrounding the challenges of loss accompanied by a range of humour activities and approaches to promote healing. |
Paul's Place - A free specialist postvention bereavement counselling service, for those bereaved by suicide, provided by Liverpool based charity Beacon Counselling Trust. |
Samaritans - Samaritans are open 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk. |
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide - A UK-based organisation offering peer-led support to adults impacted by suicide loss. |
Widowed and Young - Offers a peer-to-peer support network to anyone who was aged 50 or under when their partner died. |